
PopulationAccording to New Mexico Hometown Locator, the total population of Carrizozo as of July 1, 2020 was 1,028. The population grew 0.31% from 2010 and is projected to grow 0.06% through 2025. Of the total population, 939 persons were listed as being in households. This represents a 0.51% increase from 2010. Projected growth is 0.18%…


In a 2008 town hall, residents were asked what made Carrizozo unique. Their answers included, the friendliness of the people, the fact that it is a small, quiet town, its historic buildings and the climate. It is not without common rural, small-town woes. Quiet can mean isolation, many of the historic buildings are falling into…

Working remotely

Carrizozo offers high speed internet, superior cell phone connectivity, inexpensive housing, good schools, quiet (apart from the occasional train whistle), all surrounded by a vast and inspiring landscape, far enough away from impulsive distractions but only an hour or so drive to four universities and their mid-size cities. InternetTularosa Basin Telephone Company/Tularosa Communications, Inc (TBTC/TCI)…

Life in Carrizozo

Carrizozo started as a link on the El Paso and Northeastern Railway (EP&NE) in 1899. In 1909, the county seat was moved from Lincoln to Carrizozo and the population grew to approximately 2,000. Unfortunately, the rise of the automobile, railway travel decreased and, with it, the boom that brought people and businesses to the area.…

Projects and Affiliates

CWI is the fiscal sponsor for a variety of organizations in Carrizozo and has provided in-kind support for myriad community efforts. Many organizations have gone on to establish their own 501(c)(3) statuses and currently provide valuable services and outlets to the community. Below are some of the affiliates CWI has or still is supporting as…


Carrizozo offers myriad opportunities for relocating, expanding or starting a business. Located at the crossroads of two major highways, along a railroad line and with its own airport, Carrizozo is a transportation hub. It also offers inexpensive real estate, an ample water supply, a liquid waste facility and consistent and reasonably priced utilities. Whether it…