
The 2000 US Census Bureau reported that in Carrizozo, 23 people worked at home, 268 people worked within a 29 minute drive, 18 people worked 44 minutes from home and 102 people traveled more than 45 minutes to get to work. Carrizozo’s remote location and limited work opportunities has contributed to its low median income…


Commercial Properties in and around Carrizozo Commercial Property in Valle del Sol Owner putting up 200 acres of commercial property for sale. Is willing to work with interested parties. Call, text or email contact info listed on sign.

Job Openings

Most business activity takes place around the intersection of US 54 and 380, along Central and on 12th Street. Town of Carrizozo Click Here Carrizozo Schools Click Here Lincoln County Detention Center Click Here New Mexico Courts (includes entire state) Click Here Lincoln County Click Here Family Dollar Click Here Valero Click Here Allsups Click…


Carrizozo’s economy mirrors the regional economy in its dependence on local-serving government-related jobs. Carrizozo has less accommodation, food service and retail services than neighboring towns, including Ruidoso, which is primarily a tourist-based economy. At the crossroads of two major highways, Carrizozo caters to automobile traffic passing through to other destinations, art-lovers and residents having business…

Working remotely

Carrizozo offers high speed internet, superior cell phone connectivity, inexpensive housing, good schools, quiet (apart from the occasional train whistle), all surrounded by a vast and inspiring landscape, far enough away from impulsive distractions but only an hour or so drive to four universities and their mid-size cities. InternetTularosa Basin Telephone Company/Tularosa Communications, Inc (TBTC/TCI)…


Carrizozo offers myriad opportunities for relocating, expanding or starting a business. Located at the crossroads of two major highways, along a railroad line and with its own airport, Carrizozo is a transportation hub. It also offers inexpensive real estate, an ample water supply, a liquid waste facility and consistent and reasonably priced utilities. Whether it…