According to New Mexico Hometown Locator, the total population of Carrizozo as of July 1, 2020 was 1,028. The population grew 0.31% from 2010 and is projected to grow 0.06% through 2025.
Of the total population, 939 persons were listed as being in households. This represents a 0.51% increase from 2010. Projected growth is 0.18% in the next four years.
66.1% (636) of the population were in families. The average family size was 3.
The estimated median age of Carrizozo residents is 54.3 years (plus or minus 7.4 years) which is significantly older than the rest of the state. Residents over the age of 65 outnumber residents under the age of 20. This statistic points to the popularity of Carrizozo as a retirement community.
Race and Ethnicity
White (Non-Hispanic) 380 ± 150
White (Hispanic) 344 ± 125
Two+ (Non-Hispanic) 114 ± 164
In 2018, there were 1.1 times more White (Non-Hispanic) residents (380 people) in Carrizozo, NM than any other race or ethnicity. There were 344 White (Hispanic) and 114 Two+ (Non-Hispanic) residents, the second and third most common ethnic groups.
Median Household Income
$32,826 2018 VALUE± $8,330 51.5% 1 YEAR GROWTH± 37.1%
Households in Carrizozo have a median annual income of $32,826, which is less than the median annual income of $61,937 across the entire United States.

The following chart shows how the median household income in Carrizozo compares to the rest of New Mexico and the United States. The difference in median income of $21,667 in 2017 to 2018 represents a 51.5% annual growth.

Poverty and Income
Median household incomes are significantly lower than the state median but poverty rates for seniors are lower than those of younger residents, again pointing to retirees and assistance income.
In 2018, 34.3% of the population in Carrizozo, NM (267 out of 778 people) live below the poverty line, a number that is higher than the national average of 13.1%. The largest demographic living in poverty are Females 12 – 14, followed by Females 16 – 17 and then Females 55 – 64.

Data from the Census Bureau ACS 5-year Estimate.
Carrizozo has a large population of military personnel who served in Vietnam, 2.5 times greater than any other conflict.

Vietnam 35 ± 37
Gulf War (1990s) 14 ± 26
Gulf War (2001-) 8 ± 18
Data from the Census Bureau ACS 5-year Estimate.